Monday, October 22, 2012

Week Three: Animals “On the Farm”

Time allotment
Materials Needed
8 minutes
Review the following:
My name is ____________.
I am ____________.
I live in ________________.
Use the paper ball toss method to have all students introduce themselves aloud.
Have students also say what they like and don’t like.
·         Paper ball
·         Model sentences written on board
10 minutes
Introduce animals that live “On the Farm.”
Key vocabulary :
·         Horse
·         Rabbit
·         Chicken
·         Cow
·         Duck
·         Goat
·         Pig
·         Rooster
Tape the illustration cards to the board, and practice spelling the names of each of the animals using the names of the letters (not just the sounds).
·         Farm animal flash cards
15 minutes
Give each student a square sheet of paper; model for them how to create an origami rabbit. After each student has created their rabbit, use markers to create a face on the rabbit.
Student example: origami rabbit
·         Origami rabbit instructions
·         Paper
·         Markers
10 minutes
Review the farm animals’ names.
Create a model sentence on the board: “A _______________ lives on a farm.” Call on students individually, holding up different cards, and have the student say the full sentence. For example, he/she must say “A cow lives on a farm” rather than just “cow.”
·         Model sentence on board
·         Flashcards
5 minutes
Students stand and say their last sentences:
I like ___________________( a new animal from today) but I don’t like _______________( a new animal from today).

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