Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week Eight: Take a Break for Thanksgiving!

Week Eight: Take a Break for Thanksgiving!

Student examples of gratitude

Time allotment
Materials Needed
10 minutes
Review introductions; get all kids in a circle to introduce themselves.
Review Weather and Seasons; ask each student “What is your favorite season?”
·         Weather words
·         Season words
·         Model sentences
10 minutes
Introduce new material:
Tell students about Thanksgiving in America (день подяки). It is a time when we think of all the things we are grateful for (Я вдячний за ...). Have students think about the things they are grateful for.
Create this spider-map on the board:
 Each student will come to the board and write what he/she is grateful for, in Ukrainian. Then, as a group, translate each word into English. Then, write the complete sentence on the board.
For example:
Я вдячний за мою сім'ю.  I am grateful for my family.
·         Chalkboard and chalk
15 minutes
Each student receives a piece of paper. He/she must write a full sentence about what they are grateful for, and then draw a picture of it.
For example:
“I am grateful for ________________.”
·         Paper
·         Markers
·         Glue
·         Model Sentences        written on
the board
10 minutes
Each student tells what he/she is grateful for and then glues his/her illustration to the larger class poster.
Together, the group hangs the class poster in the classroom as a reminder for everyone of all the things we have to be grateful for!
·         Blank white paper
·         Markers
·         Class poster
Class Poster


Monday, November 19, 2012

Week Seven: Introduction to Weather and Seasons

Week Seven: Weather and Seasons
English Club students learning about Weather and Seasons

Time allotment
Materials Needed
7 minutes
Review introductions; get all kids in a circle to introduce themselves.
“Hello, my name is ______________. I am ___________ years old. I am from ____________, Ukraine. I like _____________, but I don’t like ___________.”
10 minutes
Introduce new words:
Seasons: Use flash cards to introduce the four seasons; have students match the four seasons with the pictures that depict them (or with translations). Students will then use the model sentences to tell which season we are in now, and which season is their favourite.
·         Seasons flash cards
·         Model Sentences (see below)
15 minutes
Introduce new words:
Weather: Use flash cards to introduce the weather words; have students match the words with the pictures that depict them (or with translations). Students will then use the model sentences to tell what the weather is now, and which season experiences which kinds of weather.
·         Weather flash cards
·         Model Sentences (see below)
15 minutes
4-Corners Activity:
Each student is given a sheet of paper; he/she must fold the paper into four boxes. (See the example)
4 Corners Example/Template
In each box, he/she will write “In ____________(season), the weather is ____________ (weather word).”
For example: “In winter, the weather is snowy.”
Then the students will illustrate each season and its weather in the remaining space.
·         Blank white paper
·         Markers
·         Example/template

Model Sentences and Questions

Weather Flash Cards

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week Six: Animals “At the Zoo” Completed

Week Six: Animals “At the Zoo” Completed
Making Giraffes

Making Lions

Time allotment
Materials Needed
5 minutes
Review all animal words; organize into “On the farm” and “At the zoo.” Use complete sentences; for example:
“A bear lives at the zoo.” or “A goat lives on the farm.”
·         All animal flash cards
12 minutes
Create Lion:
·         Lion instructions
·         Yellow/orange construction paper
·         Curly pasta
·         Glue and markers
·         White out
10 minutes
Adjectives review:
Use the “Adjectives” PowerPoint presentation to review some basic adjectives. Have students write a full sentence describing their lion using one of the new adjectives.
Example: This is a happy lion.
·         Adjectives PowerPoint
12 minutes
Create Giraffe:
Again, have students write a complete sentence describing their giraffe.
Example: This is a tall giraffe.
Students may take their finished books home!
·         Giraffe instructions
·         Orange and brown markers
·         Brown paint
·         Wet wipes (to clean hands)
·         White out