Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week Eight: Take a Break for Thanksgiving!

Week Eight: Take a Break for Thanksgiving!

Student examples of gratitude

Time allotment
Materials Needed
10 minutes
Review introductions; get all kids in a circle to introduce themselves.
Review Weather and Seasons; ask each student “What is your favorite season?”
·         Weather words
·         Season words
·         Model sentences
10 minutes
Introduce new material:
Tell students about Thanksgiving in America (день подяки). It is a time when we think of all the things we are grateful for (Я вдячний за ...). Have students think about the things they are grateful for.
Create this spider-map on the board:
 Each student will come to the board and write what he/she is grateful for, in Ukrainian. Then, as a group, translate each word into English. Then, write the complete sentence on the board.
For example:
Я вдячний за мою сім'ю.  I am grateful for my family.
·         Chalkboard and chalk
15 minutes
Each student receives a piece of paper. He/she must write a full sentence about what they are grateful for, and then draw a picture of it.
For example:
“I am grateful for ________________.”
·         Paper
·         Markers
·         Glue
·         Model Sentences        written on
the board
10 minutes
Each student tells what he/she is grateful for and then glues his/her illustration to the larger class poster.
Together, the group hangs the class poster in the classroom as a reminder for everyone of all the things we have to be grateful for!
·         Blank white paper
·         Markers
·         Class poster
Class Poster


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