Monday, December 3, 2012

Week Nine: Welcome Winter!

Week Nine: Welcome Winter
Making Mittens

Time allotment
Materials Needed
10 minutes
Greet students; give them each a sheet of paper and show them how to make their own origami books.
·         Paper
·         Origami book instructions
10 minutes
Show the PowerPoint presentation “Welcome Winter!” and help students to create their books. Tell students that they are not allowed to translate;  they must draw the meanings of the words.  (see examples below)
15 minutes
On the board, draw a stick person. Name him “Dima.” Tell the students that Dima wants to play outside, but he is not ready. Ask them “What does Dima need to play outside?” As you ‘dress’ Dima, by taping his clothes to the board, have students say the words in Englishàtrousers, boots, sweater, coat, hat, scarf. And what does Dima still need? Mittens!

Dressing Dima
·         Clothes
10 minutes
Students will now make mittens for Dima.
Each student will get some construction paper (I found that a half-sheet was more than enough). Use the template and have students cut out a pair of mittens.
Then, using the cotton swab, they can paint on one half of the mittens. (Cotton swabs are great to keep things clean; the kids can choose two different colors and use the two different ends, without mixing the paint.) When they are done, they are to fold the mittens together again to create an identical pair. When the mittens are dry, cut them in half and insert one end of a string in each mitten.

For complete instructions on the Mitten craft, click here.
·         Construction paper
·         Cotton swabs
·         Paint
·         Scissors
·         String
·         Mitten template

Making Mittens

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