Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week Five: Animals “At the Zoo” Continued

Week Five: Animals “At the Zoo” Continued
Student Examples of Monkey and Elephant pages

Time allotment
Materials Needed
5 minutes
Greet the students; have each student give his/her introduction. (Name, age, from, like and dislike)
10 minutes
Review all zoo animals, their spellings and translations.
Watch Gogo “What Colour is This?”
·         Gogo Cartoon
10 minutes
Distribute the Zoo Books to the students.
Paper Monkeys:
Every student needs 4 small strips of brown-colored paper, a small circle and a larger oval shape (see the Monkey Body Template below) to create their monkey; instructors must prepare before club begins!
Each student has a body piece, a head piece, and four slender pieces of brown paper for legs and arms. After students have glued the body and head pieces into their Zoo books, they must fold each of the slender pieces several times to create an accordion effect; these become the “springy” legs and arms of their playful monkeys.
Next, students will use a brown marker to make tail, ears and face. After drawing the ears, tail, and face on their monkey, the students must write the caption “This is a brown monkey.”

·         Monkey Body Template
·         Monkey body, head and legs cut out for each student (brown paper)
·         Brown marker
·         Glue
10 minutes
Handprint Elephants:
Students will trace their own hand into their Zoo Books, with their fingers pointing downward. The fingers of the hand will become legs, the thumb will be the elephant’s trunk, and then they will glue a paper ear (see template/instructions below) onto their elephant. Students may choose the color of their elephant; then they must write the caption “This is a(n) ___________ elephant.”

Elephant Ear Template


·         Pencils
·         Markers
·         Colored paper “ears”
5 minutes
Collect all Zoo Books, clean tables and put away supplies. Dismiss students.

Student Examples: Zoo Booklets

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