Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week Four: Animals “At the Zoo”

Week Four: Animals “At the Zoo”
Zoo Animal Flash Cards

Time allotment
Materials Needed
10 minutes
Review the student introductions and vocabulary words from the previous week—“Animals on the Farm.”
Show Gogo cartoon about animals at the zoo.  
·         Gogo Cartoon
10 minutes
Introduce animals that live “At the Zoo.”
Key vocabulary :
·         Monkey
·         Elephant
·         Snake
·         Crocodile
·         Giraffe
·         Fish
·         Bear
·         Lion
·         Tiger
·         Camel
Tape the illustration cards to the board, and practice spelling the names of each of the animals using the names of the letters (not just the sounds). Call on individual students to read the words aloud.
·         Zoo animal flash cards
10 minutes
Put all the cards on the table along with two signs: “At the zoo” and “On the farm.” Have students organize the animals into groups. Then, call on individual students to speak full sentences: “A _______________ (animal) lives ______________(on the farm/at the zoo).”

·         All animal flash cards
·         Signs: At the zoo; On the farm
10 minutes
Construct foldable books:
·         Give each student 3 sheets of white paper
·         Fold all papers in half
·         Place the papers one inside the other, with a small amount of glue in the creases
·         Squeeze the pages together to create a “book”
·         Paper
·         Glue
10 minutes
On the cover of their books, have each student write “At the Zoo” and his/her name.
On the first page of the book, students must write all the zoo animals and their Ukrainian equivalents. Collect the books for more work the next week.
·         Markers

Student examples of zoo booklets

First page of zoo booklets

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